Tuesday, December 14, 2010

better days are ahead of us

   The recession, the economy, unemployment:  seemingly all around us, there is negative news.  Well look on the brightside: It can only get better.

   Today I posted a Tweet:  "We can spend a lifetime thinking about change.  Thinking is not Change.  Change is an Action Word." 

   I have recently surfed to some so called "positive thinking" blogs, and even one that has it's followers listed as Masters, Controllers and Gods.  They all seem to focus on the brain's ability to think it's way out of anything, whether that be crisis, or depression or stress.

   Now there are many great ideas germinating in my head right now, and yours, the reader.  Percolating, brewing, fermenting, and they are probably the very stuff of genius!  Great! We all have the spark of genius in us, and we all need to realize we are capable of genius thinking.

   But folks, without ACTION those thoughts will wither and die, and not mean one iota of difference in the big scheme of life, to the well being of the earth, or the grand design of the Universe.  Nobody is going to remember your thoughts!

   Here are a couple of quick tips:

       1.  Write them down.  Some of the greatest "thinkers" in human history had the good habit of writing down their thoughts and in the very least this will preserve our genius for the next generation.  But more importantly writing down our ideas will help us refer to them, and crystallize our thinking into black and white.

       2.  ACT NOW!  Change is brought about when we STOP thinking and START doing. Procrastination, delay and denial are the enemies of success and achievement.  Nobody got anywhere sitting around watching Monday Night football and tweeting about success.  Folks, we have to start living our way toward our goals.

        3.  Realize the more you "think" your way out of problems, they bigger they get.  Obsessing about the problems we face in this recession or anytime for that matter will not solve any problems.  We must be willing to make a difference, and we must be willing to plant and sow kindness, love, to be willing to give, and to live as if we believe that we can make a difference in other's lives.   Don't let the economic environment just cause you to sit around and think, but begin to live a new way of life, change your way into a new way of thinking!

       God Bless You, and Have a Happy Holiday!

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Lon Dunn writes on Evan Carmichael as a productivity and efficiency expert. He wrote and edited The Thesaurus News from 1995 to 2001 with a specialty in Telephony Infastructure Stocks. With over 20 years following the Mobile Industry, Lon helps Companies, Professionals and Organizations develop Mobile Marketing Strategies combined with Social Media Strategies to strategically target specific markets and demographics to rapidly increase revenues. His most recent book available on Amazon is “How to Use Twitter for Local Business” with Tips and Mobile Marketing Strategies that anyone can do themselves. You can download the free “Kindle App for PC to download the book to your Desktop available on the Kindle Site:

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Networking Is About Realistic Follow Up

   Relationships are smart marketing in a recession, because they are free!
Relationships become more important each passing day.  Money magazine recently did an article on making connections.  They suggested we attend at least one Networking function per week! Whether currently employed, or a student, we need to be out there increasing our network or we will have a hard time getting or keeping a job.  WHY?

   According to major headhunter research, 40% of new jobs are found by reconnecting with old colleagues or professional recommendation by someone in the firm.  This makes economic sense.  If I can hire someone who is referred by an existing employee, then Personnel doesn't have to spend time and money to run and ad, nor do they have to hire a recruiting firm. 

  We see alot about "connections" and social media.  But Network building is about not just making the connection, but what we do after we make them.  Ongoing dialogue, follow up by eMail, phone calls, actual letters - Christmas cards - whatever real live human contact we make spell much better relationship building than just "let's connect". 

   I have a few accounts on Twitter.  Some are rather small, like @CicerosGhost for instance, which specializes in Cicero the Orator/Statesman from antiquity.  Now that account is purely for entertainment purposes, and I don't use it for making "connections" so much as just a way to collect all his sayings and follow those people who appreciate Cicero.  I don't actually spend much time trying to connect to those people, although if someone were to respond, I could and would follow up.

   But is a response tweet really a connection?  Yes and no.  In it's simplest definition, a tweet is a connection when directed immediately to someone.  But it's also just 140 character communication like a text message.  As a matter of fact it is a text message, just sent over the Internet.

   Real follow up is made when I can provide some better and more lasting forms of communication.  Imagine for a moment, if I had a system where I could actually benefit all of my Twitter followers! Oh goodness, what a system that would be, but sadly it's impossible.  People are following for all kinds of reasons, many of them, simply because I follow back.  They don't want me to call them, they don't want a "relationship" they simply want to know me on Twitter, follow them back, and that's it.

   Other "connections" have been built through cross marketing or better termed: "the symbiotic relationship of the Big 3", meaning Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.  I have "connected" on Twitter,  then befriended on FB, and finally had invitations to do business with people on LinkedIn.  This relationship is made more efficient by the fact that I put my LinkedIn profile on my Twitter Profile Page.

   So just connecting on Twitter is great, don't misunderstand me here, but in order to have a real relationship, something more must be done.  The use of DM for instance on Twitter is important, we can write something we might not want the rest of the world to know.  Getting to know someone by eMail and then chatting with them is a step.


    Lonny Dunn Tweets at @PronetworkBuild and and is also an Editor/Author     

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Lon Dunn writes on Evan Carmichael as a productivity and efficiency expert. He wrote and edited The Thesaurus News from 1995 to 2001 with a specialty in Telephony Infastructure Stocks. With over 20 years following the Mobile Industry, Lon helps Companies, Professionals and Organizations develop Mobile Marketing Strategies combined with Social Media Strategies to strategically target specific markets and demographics to rapidly increase revenues. His most recent book available on Amazon is “How to Use Twitter for Local Business” with Tips and Mobile Marketing Strategies that anyone can do themselves. You can download the free “Kindle App for PC to download the book to your Desktop available on the Kindle Site: